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Failure and success by Jonny deep.png

Failures are generally bars to prosperity. People are always afraid of failures. Failures make a man helpless and hopeless. Indeed the effect of failures are sometimes are serious. Failure gives man a terrible shock and makes him paralise his activities. But this is one side of shield. Behind the darkness o failure there remains a sunny spot. Failure may ruin a man but it ruins only those who have no power to withstand bravely. But a strong-minded man does not lose heart at his failure. Failure can not dampen his spirits. Failure acts him as the fountain head of success. It paves the road to success. It stiffens what is weak in a man. In miseries and pitfalls life become wiser and more experienced. He becomes a better figure in the battle of life and he is ultimately crowned with success. Thus failure does not spoil a man. It encourages him to stick to his own work with vigour and drtermination and ultimately gives him a grand success.

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